Collection HYPERLINK PrécédentBIFURCATION SuivantTRANSMISSION HYPERLINK HYPERLINK 3 000,00 € // MATALI CRASSET// MADE IN BRITTANY// MACASSAR EBONY / GOLD LEAF / ORANGE THREAD// D. 15 x th. 0,3 CM// UNIQUE PIECE Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 FIND OUT MORE DESIGNER matali crasset * Matali Crasset considers design as research. She works from a position away from the centre, which allows her to intervene upon daily life, and at the same time to develop future scenarios. Her methodology is one of observing everyday practices and questioning habitual organizational principles. Her outlook upon the world is both experienced and fresh, questioning habitual organizational principles. Her outlook upon the world is both experienced and fresh, questioning the obviousness of codes so as to break free from them; In brief, her work is about seeking fresh typologies and formulating examples of life’s hidden logic. Merci !